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Conquest of Jerusalem

Major Events:
Israel (539 BC to 1948 AD)

The historical conquest of Jerusalem 


The 'temple' is a place of worship and is considered the city of Jerusalem. Because of it's great wall fortification, during ancient times, Israel has been a focal point of conquering by various dynastites, kingdoms, and empires. All these conquests seem to focus on the land of Jerusalem, in which it has been attacked over 52 times, captured 44 times and attempts of siege at least 23 times, throughout the course of its' history. Below are the most significant events of conquest.

Assyrian Rule (721 - 604 BC)

721: The Assyrians captured the north of Israel, first, then when Judah (southern kingdom of Israel) would not pay tribune, it took over Israel and seiged Jerusalem.


Babylonians Rule (605-562 BC)

586: Nebuchadnezzer (Babylonians) conquered Israel from the Assyrians and destroy the Temple (Jerusalem) for the first time, which was built by King Solomon.


Persian Rule (539-322 BC)

539: During the Persian Rule, Cyrus the Great conquers Babylonian.

516: Cyrus the Great allows the Jewish people to return to Jerusalem. During this time Nehemiah (445- rebuilds the city walls) and Ezra began rebuilding Jerusalem.


Hellenistic-Syrian Rule (332-141 BC)

332: Alexander the Great controls Judea and Jerusalem.

201-164: Ptolemaic rule in Jerusalem.

201-168: The Seleucid rule the land.

168-164: The Seleucid suspension of the Torah, thus resulting in a revolt with the Jewish Hasmonean.

167: Antiochus IV Epiphanes invaded and captured Jerusalem and placed a statue of Zeus in the Temple.


Hasmonean Rule (141-37 BC)

168-63: The statue of Zeus led to a revolt, first by the Jewish Hasmonean Kingdom, then by his son, Judah the Maccabees, in which they gain control of Jerusalem, thus purifying Temple, while continuing to rebuild it. 


Roman Rule (63-135 BC)

63 BC-135 ADRomans rule the land of Israel.

135: Jerusalem is now a Roman city.

​​​37-4 BC: During the Herodian RuleKing Herod (40 BC) is declared the

Jewish King, but under Roman rule, along with other Roman leaders.

18-20 BC: The Temple was built and reconstructed under King Herod.

​63-70 BC: Israel revolts against Rome, but was defeated.

70:  Rome crushes the Jewish revolt and destroys the Temple the second time, resulting in the second diaspora of the Jews.

​132: A second revolt, by the Jews against Rome resulted in the Jews being prohibited from entering Jerusalem.

132-135 AD: Israel, again revolts, but unsucessfully against Rome.

135 AD: The Jewish people third diaspora from Israel occurs.


​Byzantine Rule (335-629 AD)

335: The Church of Holy Sepulchre (Christians) is built.

614: The Persians capture Jerusalem.

629: The Byzantine recapture Jerusalem.


Various Rulers (638-1250 AD)

661-750: Jerusalem is ruled under Umayyad Dynasty.

685-691: Dome of the Rock (Musilim) built at the ruins of the Temple.

750-974: Jerusalem is ruled under Abbasid Dynasty.

1099: First Crusaders capture the city of Jerusalem.

1187: Saladin capture Jerusalem.

1229-1244:  The Crusaders recapture Jerusalem.

1250: The Muslim destroy the walls of Jerusalem.


Major Captures (1516-2024 AD)

1516-1917: The Ottoman Empire captures Jerusalem (Ottoman rule (Turkish).

1538-1541: Suleiman the Magnificent rebuilt Jerusalem walls.

1922: Britian has control of Israel.

1897: Jewish nation begins by (Theodore) Benjamin Ze'ev Herzl, called the Zionist movement and forms the First Zionist Congress. This led to the establishment of Israeli State (1948).

2024: The Temple (Jerusalem) has not been re-built since its' destruction by the Roman empire. Presently, the Church of the Sepulchre and the Dome of the Rock are in Jerusalem.

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