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Current News (1948-1990)

News Issues
Historical news of Israel

The information below explains various historical news events that have effected Israel, since 1948.

Major Events:


Wars -->  

War of Independence (Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq)  Jerusalem sieged via Israel and Israel becomes a state for Jews - (5/14/48)

Political -----

Policy Issues -->

Israel Defense Forces (IDF) is established

Border -----

Environmental Issues -----

Terrorist Attacks  -----



----- Wars

<-- Political

Knesset established with Chaim Weizmann as first leader

Israel admitted to UN

<-- Policy Issues:

Armistice agreement (Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon)

<--  Border

Jerusalem divided b/w Israel and Jordan

------  Environmental Issue

------ Terrorist Attacks



Wars --> 

Clashes with Syria (incident in El-Ham) - 1951

Political -->  

Yitzhak Ben-Zvi elected as the second president - 1952

Zionist Congress - 1951

Policy Issues -->  

Law of Return (Jews gained immediate citizenship to the land) - 1950

Border -----

Environmental Issues --> 

Land: Hula valley, reconstruction of swampland begins - 1951

Terrorist Attacks  -----



----- Wars

----- Political

<-- Policy Issues:

Israel and USSR diplomatic relations broken off

Yad Vashem – Holocaust memorial

<-- Border

Jordan border – infiltration incidents

    <-- Environmental Issue

Society for the Protection of Nature is established

------ Terrorist Attacks


Wars -->

Battle with Egypt continue for a decade after Egypt stops Israeli fighter from passing Suez Canal - 1954

Capture of Gaza Strip and entire Sinai peninsula - 1956

Political --> 

National Religious Party established Mafdal - 1956

Policy Issues -->  

Violation of the Armistice agreement from Egypt - 1954

Border --> 

Capture of Gaza Strip and entire Sinai peninsula - 1956

Environmental Issues ----- 

Terrorist Attacks--> 

Jordan border under attack where 11 passengers killed - 1954


*** Dead Sea Scrolls that were found are sent back to Israel via Prof. Yigael Yadin - 1955



----- Wars

Election of 4th Knesset - 1959 <-- Political

<-- Policy Issues:

Egypt and Syria unite to form the United Arab Republic - 1958

National commission for Space Research is established - 1960

<-- Border

Immigration from Eastern Europe increases - 1957

Jordan border – infiltration incidents 

  <-- Environmental Issue

Hula project is complete (environmental – preventing malaria) - 1957

------ Terrorist Attacks


Wars -----

Political --> 

Election of 5th Knesset - 1961

Zalman Shazar elected as the 3rd President - 1963

Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) is established (Iran) - 1964

Election of 6th Knesset - 1965

Policy Issues ----- 

Border -----   

Environmental Issues --> 

Nature Reserves Authority is established - 1964

Terrorist Attacks--> 

First Terrorist attack by PLO - 1965



<-- Wars

6-Day War (right to exist): Israel controls Judea, Samaria, Gaza, Golan Heights, West Bank and Sinai peninsula - 1967

War initiated by Egypt and Jordan - 1968

<-- Political

Military government is founded - 1967

PLO “negates the existence of Israel” - 1968

<-- Policy Issues:

General assembly Resolution 242 – Arab-Israel dispute agreement - 1967

---- Border

  ----- Environmental Issue

<-- Terrorist Attacks

Attack via hijacking of El Al plane from Rome to Algeria - 1968

Car bomb in Mahane Yehuda market - 1968



Wars -->  

War continues with Egypt, until cease fire agreement -1969

PLO attempts to conquer Jordan - 1970

Political --> 

Election of 7th Knesset - 1969

Policy Issues -->

Migration from USSR increases - 1972

Border -----   

Environmental Issues ----- 

Terrorist Attacks -->

Hijacking of international airlines by Palestinian terrorist - 1970

Japanese terrorist killed many @Lod airport - 1972

PLO terrorist kill Israeli  - 1972

Letter bombs sent to Israeli’s embassies abroad - 1972



<-- Wars

Yom Kippur War: Egypt and Syria attacked Israel - 1973

<-- Political

Ephraim Katzir 4th president - 1973

Election of 8th Knesset - 1973

IDF frees hostages in Entebbe, Uganda - 1976

<-- Policy Issues:

UN passes Resolution 338 (Arab-Israel) settlement agreement - 1973

Separation-of-forces and Disengagement agreement formulated via U.S.

Secretary of State Kissinger - 1974

Good Fence policy between Israel and Lebanon agreed - 1976

-----  Border

  ----- Environmental Issue

<-- Terrorist Attacks

Youths attacked in Ma’a lot - 1974

@Tel Aviv attack at sea - 1975



Wars ----- 

Political --> 

Election of 9th Knesset - 1977

Egyptian President Sadat visits Jerusalem which begins the stop of  the rejection of Israel by Arabs - 1977

Establishment of the Likud right-wing party, ending an left-wing only party - 1977

Yitzhak Navon elected as the 5th president - 1978

Jerusalem established as the capital of Israel by the Knesset - 1980

Israel continue to withdraw from Sinai - 1980

Policy Issues -->

1st signing of peace deal called the Camp David Accords- peace between Israel and Egypt (President Carter peace in Middle East) - 1978

Peace Treaty agreement- Egypt in the 30-year cycle war - 1979

Border -----   

Environmental Issues -----

Terrorist Attacks -----



<-- Wars

Iraqi nuclear reactor is destroyed by the Israel Air Force - 1981

Israel's efforts to stop attacks from Lebanon on Israel, result in invasion of southern Lebanon  - 1982

<-- Political

<-- Policy Issues

Memorandum of Understanding (U.S. Defense Secretary Weinberger and Israel Defense Minister Sharon) - 1981

Israel-Egypt agreement: Israel total withdrawal from Sinai - 1982

Operation Peace for Galilee (to defend against PLO terrorist)- 1982

<--  Border

Results from war with Lebanon - Israel administers control of southern border of Lebanon - 1982

  ----- Environmental Issue

<-- Terrorist Attacks

Israeli embassy staff member killed in Paris attack - 1982

Tyre attacked and destroyed via massive bomb - 1982



Wars ----- 

Political --> 

Chaim Herzog elected as the 6th president - 1983

Election of 11th Knesset - 1984

Operation Moses: 7000 Jew return to homeland - 1984

Diplomacy begins in Warsaw with the opening of an office

Egypt in the 30-year cycle war - 1986

Policy Issues ----

Border -----   

Environmental Issues -----

Terrorist Attacks -->

Israeli embassy staffer killed in Terrorist attack- Cairo - 1985

Israeli embassy staffer killed in Terrorist attack – Cairo - 1986



----- Wars

<-- Political

Election of 12th Knesset - 1987

Israeli Consulate opened in Moscow - 1988

Immigration from Soviet Union - 1990

Diplomacy b/w USSR and other Eastern European countries begins again - 1990

----- Policy Issues

-----  Border

<-- Environmental Issue

Germany-Israel Foundation of Scientific R&D created - 1987

<-Terrorist Attacks 

Terrorist Attack: many killed in Jerusalem-Tel Aviv highway - 1989

Israeli attack in Egypt 1990

Israel administered areas under attack (‘intifada’ activist begins) - 1987


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