My Perspective of Israel
Vernika Monk
There are various informative data about political, terrorism, border, and environmental issues within Israel and their association with the countries that surround them.
All information is displayed as either maps, text, images or statistics.
Current News (1948-1990)
News Issues
Historical news of Israel
The information below explains various historical news events that have effected Israel, since 1948.
Major Events:
Wars -->
War of Independence (Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq) Jerusalem sieged via Israel and Israel becomes a state for Jews - (5/14/48)
Political -----
Policy Issues -->
Israel Defense Forces (IDF) is established
Border -----
Environmental Issues -----
Terrorist Attacks -----
----- Wars
<-- Political
Knesset established with Chaim Weizmann as first leader
Israel admitted to UN
<-- Policy Issues:
Armistice agreement (Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon)
<-- Border
Jerusalem divided b/w Israel and Jordan
------ Environmental Issue
------ Terrorist Attacks
Wars -->
Clashes with Syria (incident in El-Ham) - 1951
Political -->
Yitzhak Ben-Zvi elected as the second president - 1952
Zionist Congress - 1951
Policy Issues -->
Law of Return (Jews gained immediate citizenship to the land) - 1950
Border -----
Environmental Issues -->
Land: Hula valley, reconstruction of swampland begins - 1951
Terrorist Attacks -----
----- Wars
----- Political
<-- Policy Issues:
Israel and USSR diplomatic relations broken off
Yad Vashem – Holocaust memorial
<-- Border
Jordan border – infiltration incidents
<-- Environmental Issue
Society for the Protection of Nature is established
------ Terrorist Attacks
Wars -->
Battle with Egypt continue for a decade after Egypt stops Israeli fighter from passing Suez Canal - 1954
Capture of Gaza Strip and entire Sinai peninsula - 1956
Political -->
National Religious Party established Mafdal - 1956
Policy Issues -->
Violation of the Armistice agreement from Egypt - 1954
Border -->
Capture of Gaza Strip and entire Sinai peninsula - 1956
Environmental Issues -----
Terrorist Attacks-->
Jordan border under attack where 11 passengers killed - 1954
*** Dead Sea Scrolls that were found are sent back to Israel via Prof. Yigael Yadin - 1955
----- Wars
Election of 4th Knesset - 1959 <-- Political
<-- Policy Issues:
Egypt and Syria unite to form the United Arab Republic - 1958
National commission for Space Research is established - 1960
<-- Border
Immigration from Eastern Europe increases - 1957
Jordan border – infiltration incidents
<-- Environmental Issue
Hula project is complete (environmental – preventing malaria) - 1957
------ Terrorist Attacks
Wars -----
Political -->
Election of 5th Knesset - 1961
Zalman Shazar elected as the 3rd President - 1963
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) is established (Iran) - 1964
Election of 6th Knesset - 1965
Policy Issues -----
Border -----
Environmental Issues -->
Nature Reserves Authority is established - 1964
Terrorist Attacks-->
First Terrorist attack by PLO - 1965
<-- Wars
6-Day War (right to exist): Israel controls Judea, Samaria, Gaza, Golan Heights, West Bank and Sinai peninsula - 1967
War initiated by Egypt and Jordan - 1968
<-- Political
Military government is founded - 1967
PLO “negates the existence of Israel” - 1968
<-- Policy Issues:
General assembly Resolution 242 – Arab-Israel dispute agreement - 1967
----- Border
----- Environmental Issue
<-- Terrorist Attacks
Attack via hijacking of El Al plane from Rome to Algeria - 1968
Car bomb in Mahane Yehuda market - 1968
Wars -->
War continues with Egypt, until cease fire agreement -1969
PLO attempts to conquer Jordan - 1970
Political -->
Election of 7th Knesset - 1969
Policy Issues -->
Migration from USSR increases - 1972
Border -----
Environmental Issues -----
Terrorist Attacks -->
Hijacking of international airlines by Palestinian terrorist - 1970
Japanese terrorist killed many @Lod airport - 1972
PLO terrorist kill Israeli - 1972
Letter bombs sent to Israeli’s embassies abroad - 1972
<-- Wars
Yom Kippur War: Egypt and Syria attacked Israel - 1973
<-- Political
Ephraim Katzir 4th president - 1973
Election of 8th Knesset - 1973
IDF frees hostages in Entebbe, Uganda - 1976
<-- Policy Issues:
UN passes Resolution 338 (Arab-Israel) settlement agreement - 1973
Separation-of-forces and Disengagement agreement formulated via U.S.
Secretary of State Kissinger - 1974
Good Fence policy between Israel and Lebanon agreed - 1976
----- Border
----- Environmental Issue
<-- Terrorist Attacks
Youths attacked in Ma’a lot - 1974
@Tel Aviv attack at sea - 1975
Wars -----
Political -->
Election of 9th Knesset - 1977
Egyptian President Sadat visits Jerusalem which begins the stop of the rejection of Israel by Arabs - 1977
Establishment of the Likud right-wing party, ending an left-wing only party - 1977
Yitzhak Navon elected as the 5th president - 1978
Jerusalem established as the capital of Israel by the Knesset - 1980
Israel continue to withdraw from Sinai - 1980
Policy Issues -->
1st signing of peace deal called the Camp David Accords- peace between Israel and Egypt (President Carter peace in Middle East) - 1978
Peace Treaty agreement- Egypt in the 30-year cycle war - 1979
Border -----
Environmental Issues -----
Terrorist Attacks -----
<-- Wars
Iraqi nuclear reactor is destroyed by the Israel Air Force - 1981
Israel's efforts to stop attacks from Lebanon on Israel, result in invasion of southern Lebanon - 1982
<-- Political
<-- Policy Issues
Memorandum of Understanding (U.S. Defense Secretary Weinberger and Israel Defense Minister Sharon) - 1981
Israel-Egypt agreement: Israel total withdrawal from Sinai - 1982
Operation Peace for Galilee (to defend against PLO terrorist)- 1982
<-- Border
Results from war with Lebanon - Israel administers control of southern border of Lebanon - 1982
----- Environmental Issue
<-- Terrorist Attacks
Israeli embassy staff member killed in Paris attack - 1982
Tyre attacked and destroyed via massive bomb - 1982
Wars -----
Political -->
Chaim Herzog elected as the 6th president - 1983
Election of 11th Knesset - 1984
Operation Moses: 7000 Jew return to homeland - 1984
Diplomacy begins in Warsaw with the opening of an office
Egypt in the 30-year cycle war - 1986
Policy Issues ----
Border -----
Environmental Issues -----
Terrorist Attacks -->
Israeli embassy staffer killed in Terrorist attack- Cairo - 1985
Israeli embassy staffer killed in Terrorist attack – Cairo - 1986
----- Wars
<-- Political
Election of 12th Knesset - 1987
Israeli Consulate opened in Moscow - 1988
Immigration from Soviet Union - 1990
Diplomacy b/w USSR and other Eastern European countries begins again - 1990
----- Policy Issues
----- Border
<-- Environmental Issue
Germany-Israel Foundation of Scientific R&D created - 1987
<-- Terrorist Attacks
Terrorist Attack: many killed in Jerusalem-Tel Aviv highway - 1989
Israeli attack in Egypt 1990
Israel administered areas under attack (‘intifada’ activist begins) - 1987