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My Perspective of Israel
Vernika Monk
There are various informative data about political, terrorism, border, and environmental issues within Israel and their association with the countries that surround them.
All information is displayed as either maps, text, images or statistics.
Current News
News Issues
The information below explains various current events that effect Israel.
Events in 2024
The Hamas-Israeli war continues in Gaza, Israel advances IDF. (1/24)
Operation Northern Arrows (Hezebolloh continues to attack from N. Israel, intensified by the Hamas-Israeli war)- (2024-present).
Israel continues to be attacked from West Bank, Lebanon, and Syria. (1/24)
There were over 300 strikes toward Israel from Iran, in retaliation from Israels' destruction of Iran consulate and fatality of Iran commander, toward Golan Heights. (4/24)
Another wave of attacks toward Israel by Iran of 200 ballistic missles. (10/24)
In addition, the Yemen-Houthis have struck Tel-Avi (7/2024)
Houthis strike missles with Israel (9/2024)
Political -->
IC community continues to be concerned about Israel invading Gaza because of Palenstinian civilians.
Israel claims UN has ties to terror attack (10/07/23) on Israel
Egypt builds a wall to stop Palenstians from entering their country.
Stampede at the distribution of food in Gaza, many casualities. (2/24)
Cyprus port utilized for distribution of aid to Gazans via U.S. build of a pier for food distribution.
Many protest on US campuses and around the world because of invasion into Gaza by Israel.
Large protests concerning the Hamas-Israeli war occurs from families of hostages.
Policy Issues-----
Israel and Egypt are at peace, however political issue from the Israel-Hamas war are causing friction.
​​Border -->
As the Hamas-Israeli war continues in the southern parts of Israel and fighing at its' north border against Hezbollah and east-side at the West Bank.
Environmental Issue -----
​​Terrorist Attacks -----​
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